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This notebook shows you all the functionality of FairRankTune.

Quickstart Guide

How to use RankTune for Data Generation

This notebooks shows you the functionality of the RankTune data generator method, and how you can use its different features.

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How to use RankTune to Create Partially Synthetic Data

This notebook shows you how to combine the data generation capabilities of RankTune with an existing dataset to create partially synthetic data.

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How to Measure Statistical Parity Group Fairness in Rankings

This notebook shows you how to use FairRankTune's Metric library to audit rankings for statistical parity.

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How to Measure Score-based Group and Individual Fairness in Rankings

This notebook shows you how to use FairRankTune's Metric library to audit rankings in terms of score-based group and individual fairness.

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How to use the Fair Ranking Algorithms

This notebook shows you how to use FairRankTune's Rankers module to adjust rankings to be fair using existing algorithms from the fairness literature.

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Sample Demonstration

This provides an end-to-end sample demonstration of the FairRankTune toolkit.

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